INFORMIERT.ENGAGIERT. Qualifizierung für ehrenamtlich Engagierte in der Flüchtlingshilfe
A training series of Asylarbeitskreis Heidelberg e.V.
and Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche Heidelberg
Dear Volunteers and those interested,
Dear Sir and Madame,
within the framework of our training series Informiert.Engagiert - Qualification for Volunteers in Refugee Aid - we cordially invite you to the following event:
COVID19: Stigma, Stereotype, and Prejudice
Online Training
Am 23.07.2020, 18:00 Uhr
Keynote speaker:
Nuha Mohamed Abdalla Atya -
MSc. International Health / MSc. of Public Health, Policy and Management track
Expert on Health Projects for Displaced People and People living in hard situations
Organizational Building and Capacity Development Advisor
Our Online Training will take place online via Zoom.
We will send you the link after registration.
The presentation will be in English.
In our interactive Online Training, we will be addressing issues of Social Stigma on COVID19 with examples from the Middle East and the African Region.
The training will highlight the concept of Social Stigma in general and its impact on people’s health in developing countries. At the end of the training; the volunteers will understand levels of Stigma, the relevance of Stigma to migration, improve understanding of different cultures and contexts which influence people behavior and can lead to Stigma. It also aims at presenting suggestions to reverse Social Stigma and how service for migrants can benefit from that.
Please send registrations to
integrationsbegleiter(@) until 21.07.2020
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