INFORMIERT.ENGAGIERT. Qualifizierung für ehrenamtlich Engagierte in der Flüchtlingshilfe
A training series of Asylarbeitskreis Heidelberg e.V.
and Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche Heidelberg
Dear Volunteers and those interested,
Dear Sir and Madame,
within the framework of our training series Informiert.Engagiert - Qualification for Volunteers in Refugee Aid - we cordially invite you to the following event:
About Female Genital Mutilation.
Interactive Online Training
Am 10.09.2020, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Keynote speaker:
Nuha Mohamed Abdalla Atya
MSc. International Health / MSc. of Public Health, Policy and Management track
Expert on Health Projects for Displaced People and People living in hard situations
Organizational Building and Capacity Development Advisor
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a cultural practice which pops up again and again when
it comes to immigration. But what does it actually mean and what is the background of the practice?
The training will base on perspectives of migrants from African Region where the practice is popular.
Based on the participants interest, the training will adress the following questions:
What is the definition of FGM and which types exist?
What are the causes and motivation for the practice?
Which are the communites at risk?
What are the health impacts of FGM?
How is the situation in Germany?
What are the possible ways of provision of support by individuals and organizations?
In the end there will be time for questions and discussions.
Our Online Training will take place online via Zoom.
We will send you the link after registration.
The presentation will be in English.
Please send registrations to
integrationsbegleiter(@) until 08.09.2020
Bildquelle: @pixabax geralt play-stone-1237458_1920 2019-05-03
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