“A school bag for Janne”

School! For the firsties, the word has a magic ring to it as they embark into the unknown world of being a “big child now”, holding their firsties goodies bag (traditionally called “die Schultüte” in Germany) and, of course, their school bag with pencil case, exercise books, pens and much more. But what if there's not enough money to buy all these things? Here's where the Diakonisches Werk Heidelberg (the social welfare agency of the Protestant church in Heidelberg), together with the Protestant church in Heidelberg, steps in with their popular campaign “Schulranzen für Janne” (A school bag for Janne), helping, of course, not just girls and boys called Janne, but mainly Heidelberg families with a low household income. Thanks to donations, we can provide families with coupons for their children's basic school equipment.
Our campaign project — “A school bag for Janne”
Ever since its launch in 2015, we have been able to finance our school bag campaign in cooperation with Müller (drug store company on Bismarckplatz Heidelberg) as well as with the help of donations. This year, we can again support low-income families with coupons worth € 75 for basic school equipment—so that their children will have an untroubled and happy start at school.
Our “school bag for Janne” coupons — who, when, where and how to get one
The “school bag coupon” is for families
- who live in Heidelberg with a child to start first grade in autumn
- and hold the Heidelberg-Pass or Heidelberg-Pass+ (city concession cards for low-income families)
- or draw unemployment benefit [ALG II], subsistence benefit under Book XII of the German Social Code [SGB XII], or benefit payments under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act [AsylbLG]
- or whose nursery / pre-school fees are covered by the youth welfare office [Jugendamt]
When to collect your coupon at the Diakonisches Werk Heidelberg:
Campain duration: June 15 to September 30
Please contact us by phone to arrange an appointment to collect your coupon.
Diakonisches Werk Heidelberg
Karl-Ludwig-Straße 6
69117 Heidelberg
phone +49 (0)6221 53750
Please bring your Heidelberg-Pass/Heidelberg-Pass Plus resp. official notification issued by the employment office [Jobcenter], social welfare office [Sozialamt] or youth welfare office [Jugendamt].
It goes without saying that your request will be treated in confidence and will not be disclosed to any third party. Therefore, don't be shy: Help make sure your child has an unforgettably wonderful start at school!
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