Support during serious illness and bereavement — an overview of our services
Accepting serious illness, dying and death as part of life. Bringing the transience of life into public focus: This is what we regard as the mission of the hospice movement—and this is where we are there for you with various hospice services. Our experienced specialists and volunteers speak to critically ill persons and their relatives, and in our hospice care services, we help people in their final stages of life to die in a way they consider appropriate and dignified.
Support until the last moment — how we see it
We know how terribly hard it is to cope with a serious diagnosis. Do speak to us—we are there for you in a sensitive and respectful way: with the day hospice care service [Ambulanter Hospizdienst] of the Diakonisches Werk Heidelberg (the social welfare organisation of the Protestant church in Heidelberg) and with KiDi, our day children's hospice care service [Ambulanter Kinderhospiz-Dienst]. Our work is supported by the Förderverein Ambulante Hospizhilfe Heidelberg e. V. (registered friendly society for the support of day hospice help Heidelberg).
Our hospice services — how to find out more
To find important information as well as your contact persons at the various hospice care services, please visit the corresponding sub-pages [in German].
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