Advice and Support for Ukrainian women

Mobile Support Team for Ukrainian Women
Women and children who have fled the Ukraine are in danger of falling victim to sexual exploitation, prostitution and human trafficking.
Our mobile team of counsellors specialised in helping prostitutes seeks women and children who have fled the Ukraine to give advice about the dangers as well as information about appropriate channels of support.
Those affected have the opportunity to receive help in their immediate neighbourhood, or to arrange an appointment with us through the specialist counselling ‘anna’. This can be done online or by telephone.
You will be advised free of charge, and anonymously if preferred. When necessary, we can provide an interpreter.
We can also help anyone who needs advice in other areas of concern to be put in touch with the relevant authorities.
We are also offering this support to any organisations who are in contact with women and children from the Ukraine. We deal with:
- the potential dangers of prostitution and human trafficking.
- the Lover-Boy methods
- offers of support and help
We can give advice online or directly in your organisation.
Our current event offers can be found here.
Our mobile support team for women refugees from the Ukraine is sponsored by:

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